Akhiyan Naar Diyan Lyrics
Ho gallan vass ton bahar diyan
Gallan vass ton bahar diyan
Gallan vass ton bahar diyan..
Jinna ne aa jag luteya
Jag luteya
Dau ne akhiyaan naar diyaan (x3)
Dosh allarhan te mad’da aein (x3)
Tu vi kehda ghat haaniya
Ghat haaniya
Pech agg laune jad da aein (x3)
Ni gayi hass ke langh soniye
Gayi hass ke langh soniye
Ni gayi hass ke langh soniye
Aasan aiven laa chhadiyan
Laa chhadiyan
Khore teri ki pasand soniye (x3)
Hor gabru na mere mel da (x3)
Toran shoran tu kad da aein
Tu kad da aein
Haal bura hunda ae mere dil da (x3)
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"Akhiyan Naar Diyan" Song Info
Singer | Ammy Virk, Mannat Noor |
Album | Laung Laachi |
Lyricist | Manwinder Maan, Husanpreet Galwatti |
Music | Gurmeet Singh |
Cast | Ammy Virk, Neeru Bajwa |
Language | Hindi |
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Lyricsmint FAQs & Trivia
What movie the "Akhiyan Naar Diyan" song is from?
The song "Akhiyan Naar Diyan" is from the soundtrack album "Laung Laachi".
Who wrote the lyrics of "Akhiyan Naar Diyan" song?
Manwinder Maan and Husanpreet Galwatti written the lyrics of "Akhiyan Naar Diyan". Manwinder Maan is known for writing songs like Ishqan De Lekhe, Cheta Tera, and Akh Na Lagdi.
Who is the singer of "Akhiyan Naar Diyan" song?
Ammy Virk and Mannat Noor have sung the song "Akhiyan Naar Diyan". Ammy Virk is known for singing songs like Qismat, Mini Cooper, and Daryaa.