Monta Re Lyrics

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Monta Re Lyrics from Lootera: The song is sung by Swanand Kirkire who sang it in little bit of Kishore Da style with a Bengali touch. Supporting vocals in this song are by lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya.

Monta Re Lyrics

Hmm Hmmm..
Kaagaz ke do pankh leke uda chala jaaye re
Jahan nahi jaana tha ye wahin chala haye re
Umar ka yeh taana-baana samajh na paaye re
Zubaan pe jo moh-maaya, namak lagaye re
Ke dekhe na, bhaale na, jaane na daaye re
Disha haara kemon boka monta re! (x2)
Disha haara kemon boka monta re Meaning:
How foolish this directionless heart is.

Dhintana dhintana…

Fateh kare qile saare, bhed jaaye deewarein
Prem koi sendh laage.. (sendh lage re lage)
Agar magar bari bari jiya ko yun uchhale
Jiya nahin gend laage.. (gend lage re lage)

Maati ko ye chandan sa maathe pe sajaye re
Zubaan pe jo moh maaya namak lagaye re
Ke dekhe na bhale na jaane na daaye
Disha haara kemon boka monta re

disha-haara: directionless, kemon: how, boka: foolish, monta: heart/mind/मन

Written by:
Amitabh Bhattacharya

Lyricsmint FAQs & Trivia

What movie the "Monta Re" song is from?

The song "Monta Re" is from the soundtrack album "Lootera".

Who wrote the lyrics of "Monta Re" song?

Amitabh Bhattacharya written the lyrics of "Monta Re". Amitabh Bhattacharya is known for writing songs like Tu safar mera, Kalank (Title Track), and Namo Namo.

Who is the singer of "Monta Re" song?

Swanand Kirkire and Amitabh Bhattacharya have sung the song "Monta Re". Swanand Kirkire is known for singing songs like Monta Re, Tu Kisi Rail Si, and Navrai Maajhi.